Some Facts about Glucocorticoid & Major side effects

Facts about Glucocorticoid & Hypermineralocorticoidism Major side effects Definition : [Gr. gleukos, sweet (new wine), + L. cortex, + Gr. eidos, form, shape] A general classification of adrenal cortical hormones that are primarily active in protecting against...

Adrenal Gland Steroids

Adrenal Gland Diseases 9V7GZUQ7PBG5 The adrenal cortex produces 3 steroids: 9V7GZUQ7PBG5  9V7GZUQ7PBG5 1. Glucocorticoids 2. Mineralocorticoids 3. Adrenal androgens The function of these steroids are: 1. Glucocorticoids – modulate intermediary me­tabolism and...


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