Details About Generic Salt ::  Colchicine 

Main Medicine Class:: Musculoskeletal Disorders , Pain   Sub Medicine Class ::  Anti Gout Drugs

PK: A: Rapid D: Extensive: 5-8L/kg (Vd) M: Hepatic E: Feces, urine

Indications & Dose: GOUT Prophylactic therapy PO Adult 0.6mg OD/BID, max 1.2mg/day, Concomitant therapy with strong CYP3A4 inhibitor: If original dose is 0.6mg BID, adjust dose to 0.3mg OD, if original dose is 0.6mg OD, adjust dose to 0.3mg alternate day, Concomitant therapy with moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor: If original dose is 0.6mg BID, adjust dose to 0.3mg OD, if original dose is 0.6mg OD, adjust dose to 0.3mg alternate day Child >16 yr: Same as adult dose | GOUT FLARE TREATMENT PO Adult Initially 1.2mg at the first sign of flare, followed in 1h with a single dose of 0.6mg, max 1.8mg within 1h, Patients receiving prophylaxis therapy may receive treatment dosing, wait 12h before resuming prophylaxis dose, Concomitant therapy with strong CYP3A4 inhibitor: Initially 0.6mg, then 0.3mg as single dose within 1h, do not repeat for at least 3 days, Concomitant therapy with moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor: Initially 0.6mg as single dose, do not repeat for at least 3 days Child >16 yr: Same as adult dose

Contra: Concomitant use of P-glycoprotein, strong CYP3A4 inhibitor in presence of renal/hepatic impairment, renal impairment Clcr <10 mL/min

Precautions: Elderly, GI disease, CVD, hepatic/renal impairment

ADR: Serious: GI hemorrhage, renal/hepatic damage, cardiac arrhythmias, Others: thrombophlebitis, tissue necrosis, aplastic anemia, Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea

DDI: Serious Vit B12 absorption reduces by drug, Erythromycin/Clarithromycin causes acute drug toxicity, Ciclosporin causes myotoxiciy, Statins/Fibrates causes rhabdomyolysis/neuromyopathy, Verapamil increases drug level (neuromyopathy)

Diet: With/without food

Monitor: CBC, LFTs, renal function test


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