Biochemical analysis of Dosha Dhatu Mala In Ayurveda

BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF DOSHA -DHATU-MALA INTRODUCTION n Ayruveda has taken rapid strides over the last decade in realizing people all over the world to probe into basics of physical and psychological heath related problems of fast changing life styles. Countries...

Overview of Basics of AYURVEDA With Fundamentals

AN OVERVIEW OF AYURVEDA FUNDAMENTALS OF AYURVEDA • Most ancient science of the world. • Considered as Upaveda (subsidiary) of Atharva Veda. • Vedas are oldest recorded wisdom on the earth. • Ayurveda survived through two sets of original authentic texts. • Each set...

Abhrak bhasma Satva patan Satva Sodhan and Churnikaran Methods

Abhrak bhasma Satva patan Satva Sodhan and Churnikaran Methods s.o.p of satva bhasma w.s.r to abhrak satva bhasma Pure Abhrak Bhasma,Powdered Abhrak Bhasma Introduction Abhrak bhasma Satva patan Satva Sodhan Pure Abhrak Bhasma,Powdered Abhrak Bhasma § As per the Rasa...

Sneha Kalpana (Sneha :Fat/ Kalpana : Pharma. Process)

Sneha Kalpana (Sneha : Fat/ Kalpana : Pharma. Process) Review of Sneha Kalpana Nomenclature Sneha : Fat / Fatty Material } Kalpana : Pharma. Process }Sneha Kal. “Defined as a process, where various things like-Sneha, Kalka, Kwatha Ksheera and Gandha dravyas are...

Ayurvedic and Modern methods of Sneha Paka

Ayurvedic and Modern methods of Sneha Paka Gen.Method of Sneha Paka Oil / Ghee  Mild Heat  Murchana Addition of kalka Addition of Kwatha / Milk etc.. Ama Paka ¬ ¯ Moderate Heat Till liquid portion evaporates Jaipur Parampara Oil / Ghee  Murchana Barjana (fried) of...


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