Details About Generic Salt ::  Inamrino

Main Medicine Class:: Cardiovascular,positive inotropic   

Class: Cardiovascular/positive inotropic


Drugs Class ::

 Action Positive inotropic agent with vasodilator activity.

Indications for Drugs ::

 Indications Short-term management of CHF in patients whose condition can be closely monitored and who have not responded adequately to digitalis, diuretics, or vasodilators.

Drug Dose ::


ADULTS: IV Initial dose: 0.75 mg/kg bolus slowly over 2 to 3 min. Maintenance: 5 to 10 mcg/kg/min; additional 0.75 mg/kg bolus may be given 30 min after initiating therapy, not to exceed total daily dose of 10 mg/kg.

Contraindication ::

 Contraindications Hypersensitivity to bisulfites.

Drug Precautions ::


Pregnancy: Category C. Lactation: Undetermined. Children: Safety and efficacy not established. Arrhythmias: Supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias have occurred. Fluid balance: Vigorous diuretic therapy may cause inadequate response to inamrinone therapy; liberalization of fluids may be needed. CVP monitoring has been advocated. Hepatotoxicity: Dose may be reduced or drug may be discontinued if there are alterations in liver enzymes; if alterations occur with clinical symptoms, drug is discontinued. Post MI: Not recommended during acute phase. Severe aortic or pulmonic valvular disease: Not recommended. Sulfite sensitivity: May cause allergic-type reaction in susceptible patients. Thrombocytopenia: More common in patients on prolonged therapy.


Drug Side Effects ::

 Adverse Reactions

CARDIOVASCULAR: Arrhythmia; hypotension. GI: Nausea; vomiting. HEMATOLOGIC Thrombocytopenia.

Drug Mode of Action ::  

 Action Positive inotropic agent with vasodilator activity.

Drug Interactions ::


None well documented.

INCOMPATIBILITIES: Dextrose-containing solutions: Chemical interaction occurs slowly over 24 hr when mixed directly. Furosemide: Do not inject furosemide into IV line containing inamrinone; immediate precipitate forms.

Drug Assesment ::


  • Obtain patient history, including drug history and any known allergies. Determine presence or history of asthma.
  • Review baseline ECG and assess ongoing cardiac monitoring. Notify physician of any arrhythmias.
  • Assess cardiac rate and rhythm throughout therapy.
  • Assess vital signs, especially BP and pulse, before and during therapy. Notify physician of excessive hypotension; slow or stop infusion.
  • Monitor I&O, including changes (increase or decrease) in output.
  • Monitor laboratory values for alterations in liver enzymes, renal function, platelets, and serum electrolytes. Notify physician of any changes.
  • Monitor for nausea and vomiting and for signs of hepatotoxicity.
  Arrhythmias; excessive hypotension

Drug Storage/Management ::


IV infusion

  • Administer as supplied or dilute in 0.5% or 0.9% saline to a concentration of 1 to 3 mg/mL.
  • Do not dilute in dextrose-containing solutions, although product may be injected into running dextrose infusion through Y-connector or directly into tubing. Do not infuse product and furosemide through same line.
  • Administer maintenance infusion 5 to 10 g/kg/min, preferably with infusion pump; adjust rate according to patient response.
  • Use diluted solutions within 24 hr.
  • Protect ampules from light.
  • Store at room temperature.

Drug Notes ::

 Patient/Family Education

  • Instruct patient to avoid sudden position changes to prevent orthostatic hypotension.
  • Advise patient to notify physician of shortness of breath and increased chest pain.

Disclaimer ::

The Information available on this site is for only Informational Purpose , before any use of this information please consult your Doctor .Price of the drugs indicated above may not match to real price due to many possible reasons may , including local taxes etc.. These are only approximate indicative prices of the drug.


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