Instruments and Procedures- Catheters

Medical Instruments & Procedures Part — 1 CATHETERS — simple catheter Plain or simple catheters   It is a plain tube made of rubber or synthetic mate­rial. The terminal end of the tube is rounded. There is a hole just before the tip. It comes in...

Instruments & Procedures- Nasogastric tube

NASOGASTRIC TUBE Ryle’s tube  — Ryle’s tube   Is a nasogastric tube, 1 meter long, made of syn­thetic transparent material. It is passed from the nose into the stomach for feed­ing and for suction of gastric contents. The tip is blunt and...

Instruments and Procedures cannula/lumber puncture

INTRACATH / INTRAVENOUS CANNULA It is used for giving IV fluids and drugs— CANNULA It consists of a long metallic: needle and a plastic can­nula or sheath over it. The bevelled tip of the needle goes inside the vein and at the other end the blood leaking out can...

Instruments and Procedures– Liver biopsy needles

Liver biopsy needles and procedures — Liver biopsy needles Menghini’s aspiration biopsy needle Vim-Silverman cutting needle. Precautions in Liver biopsy Bleeding time should be within normal limits. Vein should be patent and blood should be arranged...


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