Environmental Lung Diseases (Pneumoconiosis)

Environmental Lung Diseases (Pneumoconiosis) Invironmental lung diseases are certain pulmo­nary diseases for which environmental exposure or occupational conditions are responsible. asbestos lung, asbestos lung cancer, asbestos lung disease, asbestos lung...

COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA Signs and Symptoms with Treatment

COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA  community-acquired pneumonia: Pneumonia occurring in outpatients, often caused by infection with streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, and atypical organisms. Mortality is approximately 15% but depends on many host...

Treatment of Pneumonia Antibiotic Therapy in Resistant Pneumonia

Treatment of Pneumonia ,INDICATIONS FOR HOSPITALIZATION in Pneumonia ,Resistant Pneumonia defined as an acute infection of the pulmonary parenchyma in a patient who has acquired the infection in the community, as distinguished from hospital-acquired (nosocomial)...

Bronchiectasis Signs and Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment

Bronchiectasis Signs and Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Bronchiectasis is an abnormal and permanent dilatation of bronchi. It may be focal or diffuse. Bronchiectasis is an irreversible dilation of one or more airways accompanied by recurrent transmural bronchial...

Secondary hypertension Renovascular hypertension

SECONDARY HYPERTENSION Secondary hypertension is the name given to the hypertension of which the cause is known, and can be corrected in many cases to cure the hy­pertension. Renal hypertension : This is due to either renal se­retion of vasoactive compounds resulting...


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