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Ayurveda is the study of life { Ayurveda- A Complete Science of Life }
Ayurveda- A Complete Science of Life |
Ayurveda is the study of life |
- Implies, the art and science of living, which indicate the knowledge of life, it’s limitations, ways of prolonging and protecting it, it is about discovering our inner selves the way we are to ourselves and to the outer world.
- The strands of Ayurveda has no ends. It is said that lord brahmaa realized it through enlightenment, and then it went of to Dakhs prajapati who later passed it on to Aswani kumars (the twin dua doctor of lord Indra) .
- the best part was that the knowledge was passed on, at each step, as it was , without any amendment’s and modifications. Aswani kumars gave it to Indra the king of Devtas , then this strands branched to many communities, which include lord Dhanvantri and his descendents, punarvasu Aatreye and his six pupils,and also has four Vedas
Introduction of Ayurveda Ayurveda is the study of life |
Reference of Ayurveda
- Rigveda ,
- Yejurveda,
- Samveda and
- Athervveda.
Athervved is also called medicine veda or bheshaj veda, ayurveda has been mentioned in this.
Aims of ayurveda
- It aims at maintaining the health of a healthy person and prevention and cure of an ill being.
- It aims at an allround development
What is Aayu
- Our body is made of five elements, akash, vayu, agni, jal, prithivi.
- Gayanendrya and karmindria
- { our inner conscience }
- out industructable part which is not just our soul but a medium of uniting ourselves with god.
All four of these constitute what we call as Aayu. We as humans should work towards its maintenance, upliftment and ways of improving Life of every Living Being.