The above mention is various meanings of the word “ARUBADA”. We are considered “ARUBADA”as a disease process including the meaning “One hundred millions” means cancer cells are concerned more with growth in the since of reproduction it self than with the function.


  • Acharya Sushurta has described very clear and detailed definition. That is “The Doshas having vitiated in any part of the body and afflicting the Mamsa and produce a swelling, which is circular, fixed, slightly painful, big in size, broad based, slowly growing and does not suppurate.”
  • No specific definition available in Charka Samhita, but Acharya Charka described Arubada as a complication of Vata-Rakta and similarity between Arbuda and Shopha.
  • Acharya Vagbhatt noted that Arubada is relatively bigger than Granthi.
  • Aacharya Madhav while describing the definition of Arubada he said the vitiated Dosha afflict the Mamsa and Rakta both to produce a swelling.
  • Bhavaprakash and Sharangdhara are in agreement with Madhavkara regarding the definition of Arubada.
Arbuda or Cancer Definition Ayurvedic Review

Arbuda or Cancer Definition Ayurvedic Review


  • “ARBUDA” is constituted of the root ward “ARBB”and the verb “UDETI”.The meaning of the “ARBB”is to kill , To hurt or to go towards and the meanings of the verb “UDETI”is to elevate, To rise, To through up .1
  • In another derivation the word “ARUBADA”as made up from the root “ARBB” Which is suffixed by “VICH” and giving rise to the “ARB” or “ARR”which is further suffixed by “UDETI”
  • “ARUBADA” is derived as “ARMA BUNDETI”, “UBINDER NISHAMANE”, meaning which is perceived very fast means “SIGHRATMAPYATI”


  • Many diseases can be correlated with Arbuda but Cancer is a parallel disease for it. The signs and symptoms of Arubada can very well explained in modern terms.


  • Anywhere in the body or any tissue may be damaged.
    • Predominantly it is a disease of the Mamsa that is damage of the muscular connective and epithelial tissues.
    • The growth is round and stony hard.
    • Pain is not present except final stage.
    • It is spread with deep route and so it is compared with a sign of crab.
    • It is Chronics in nature and gradual in development.
    • Non-suppressive.
    • TUMOUR IS FORMED BY uncessary and uncontrolled abnormal proliferation of tissue.
    • Very deep routed


    • “ARBUDA” is constituted of the root ward “ARBB”and the verb “UDETI”.The meaning of the “ARBB”is to kill , To hurt or to go towards and the meanings of the verb “UDETI”is to elevate, To rise, To through up .1 In another derivation the word “ARUBADA”as made up from the root “ARBB”
    • Which is suffixed by “VICH” and giving rise to the “ARB” or “ARR”which is further suffixed by “UDETI” “ARUBADA” is derived as “ARMA BUNDETI”, “UBINDER NISHAMANE”, meaning which is perceived very fast means “SIGHRATMAPYATI” The different contexts are:


  • As it has already made clear that the description of Arubada which is available with the texts is more applicable to the benign nature of the neoplasia.,so it is perfect for benign growths. For malignant growths it provides a solidbase and outline to explore the subject. The subject is scattered here and there and thus a systemic classification is not found. Acharya Sushurta gives a view of classification. The same disease entity is available in scattered form relating to the site or organ, chronicity, Sadhyasadhyata, etc. in various other places with different Ayurvedic texts. Hence an effort has been made to classify the Arbuda based on the description available in Bruhatraye and Lagutrayee.


  • Even though in Charak Samhita, but, a detailed classification of disease Arubada is not available, while dealing with the treatment of Shavathu, he says, that the line of treatment to be followed in disease Arubada is that of Granthi.5


  • On the predominance of Doshas and Dushyas, Sushruta has classified disease Arubada in to six types namely: 6 1) Vatarbuda 2) Pittarbuda 3) Kaphajarbuda 4) Raktajarbuda 5) Mamsajarbuda 6) Medojarbuda Another classification is available on the based of the Sadhya sadhyata,where he mentioned new four types based on site and pathoginesis as6
  • 1) Vataja 6) Mamsaja 2) Pittaja 7) Adharbuda 3) Kaphaja 8)Dwirarbuda 4) Medaja 9) Marmaja 5) Raktaja 10) Shrotaja While dealing with the disease of “Linga” under Shookadosha, he has mentioned two types of Arbuda such as, 7
  • 1) Shonita Arubada 2) Mamsa Arbuda Among these, Shonita Arubada is sadhya, whereas, mamsa arbuda is asadhya. In the same way, while dealing with Kshudra rogas, he has described, another variety of Arbuda. Sharkararbuda and it is a sadhya variety. In the similar maner, while dealing with the diseases of Shalakya-tantra, he has mentioned about the occurrence of this disease. In the organs like Netra, karna, nasa While describing the diseases of vartma, he has mention, that out of 21 Vartmagata roga, Vartmarbuda is one and it is sadhya variety. While he has describing Kurmarbuda and Nasarbuda, he has further classified them as Arbuda in general. Regarding the clinical features, prognosis and treatment, though, the direct reference is not available; Sushruta has said that, they are to be considered as to the features of Arbuda in general. Further more, another variety has been mentioned of Nasarbuda i.e. sannipataja. Its features are similar to that of Tridosha is the Ashadhya variety. In the same way, while describing the diseases of mukha, he has mentioned Talvarbuda and it is an Asadhya one and considered to that of Raktarbuda. Astang Hriday and Astang Sangrah: Aacharya Vagbhatta has classi fied the disease Arbuda same to Sushruta in general based on Doshas andDushyas. But he has not mentioned another and Asadhya variety which was discussed by Sushruta Further more, while describing the treatment of Arbuda, he has classified, it based on chronic as
  • 1) Navya 2) Jeerna While describing Mukha Rogas, he has mentioned Arbuda occurring at the site of Ostha. That is;
  • 1) Jalarbuda 2) Ostharbuda Again he classified that the Ostharbuda is similar to the type of Raktrarbuda andis Asadhya. Where as, Jalarbuda is Sadhya. He has mentioned Talvarbuda same as Sushruta While dealing with the Kanthagata rogas, he has mentioned about galarbuda, and is Asadhya veriety. Similarly, while dealing with Shirorogas, Vagbhatta in Astang samgraha speaks about another clinical entity under the heading of Kapala Vyadhis, among them Kapalprbuda is one which is Sadhya.
  • In the chapter of Mukha rogas, Astanga Samgrahakara while describing the diseases of “Sarvasara” speaks of veriety as kapha Arbuda and it is Asadhya. While describing the diseases of Karna, described Karnarbuda, which is a Sadhya disease. In the same way, he has mentioned, Nasarbuda as Sadhya variety among Nasa rogas. In the kshudra Rogas, he has mentioned, about Sharkararbuda, as Sadhya variety While dealing with Guhya Rogas, explains two another variety of Arbuda occur in Linga, there are:
  • 1) ashrugarbuda 2) mamsarbuda Among them 1st variety are Sadhya and other one Asadhya. Madhava Nidan: Regarding the classification of disease Arbuda, Aacharya Madhava is in agreement with Sushruta. But he has mentioned one another doshik variety as Dwi-Doshaja, which is Sadhya entity



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