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Details Descriptions About :: anal cancer
Anal cancer causes symptoms treatment
Description of Anal cancer
DescriptionAccording to dictionary definition The anus is where stool leaves your body when you go to the bathroom. It is made up of your outer layers of skin and the end of your large intestine. Anal cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form in the tissues of the anus. Anal cancer is rare. It is more common in smokers and people over 50. You are also at higher risk if you have human papillomavirus (HPV), anal sex, or many sexual partners. Signs and SymptomsAccording to dictionary definition Symptoms include:1. Bleeding2. Pain3. Lumps in the anal area4. Anal itching and discharge InvestigationsAccording to dictionary definition Doctors use tests that examine the anus to diagnose anal cancer. They include a physical exam, endoscopy, ultrasound, and biopsy. TreatmentAccording to dictionary definition Treatments include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. NIH: National Cancer Institute