All about Bacterial Infections Caused by  HELICOBACTER PYLORI

  •  GramNegative HELICOBACTER PYLORI with diagnosis Treatment Signs and symptoms


A motile, spiral, gram-negative bacterium that causes peptic ulcers and gastric cancer. It is treated with combined antibiotics and agents to block gastric acid secretion
Helicobacter pylori, also known as H. pylori, is a bacterium that is commonly found in the stomach. It is present in approximately one-half of the world’s population.
  • H. pylori is probably spread by consuming food or water contaminated with fecal matter.
  • H. pylori is most common cause of gastritis in maximum population in world wide,
  • H. pylori is the main basic cause about which we have to think to eliminate the cause of gastric ulcers,
  • H. pylori colonizes the stomach and causes peptic ul cer disease and gastric malignancy.
  • It is a gram-negative spiral flagellated bacillus.

How dose H.pylori infect peoples —

  • In the United States and other developed countries, infection with H. pylori is unusual during childhood but becomes more common during adulthood.
  • The bacteria invades the protective tissue that lines the stomach.
  • This leads to the release of certain enzymes and toxins.
  • there is many way by which h pylori may infect the peoples stomatch,
  • it can survive in high acidic concentration that;s why it dose survive in stomach acids,
  • it irritate the gastric mucosa to secreat high amount of gastric juice which ultimately the main cause of gastritis and gestric ulcers,
  • so if we are treating the gastric ulceration then with hyper acidity we have to treat this H. pylori infection too.
How dose H.pylori infect peoples
H.pylori infection treatment
How dose H.pylori infect peoples stomatch


  • Pain or discomfort (usually in the upper abdomen)
  • Bloating
  • Feeling full after eating a small amount of food Lack of appetite
  • Invasive tests include endoscopy, gastric biopsy, and biopsy with bacterial culture for H. pylori.
  • Most individuals with chronic gastritis or duodenitis have no symptoms. However, some people develop more serious problems, including stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  • Noninvasive diagnostic procedures include immunological tests of antibodies to H. pylori and urea breath tests.
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Ulcers that bleed can cause a low blood count and fatigue.
  • Dark or tar-colored stools


  • There are several ways to diagnose H. pylori.
  • The most commonly used tests include the following:
  • H. pylori can be diagnosed with a test of the blood, breath, or stool.
  • H. pylori testing is recommended for anyone with a stomach ulcer.

Treatment of hyper acidity H. pylori —

  • Up to 20 percent of patients with Helicobacter pylori infection are not cured after completing their first course of treatment.
  • People with a history of peptic ulcer disease, active gastric ulcer, or active duodenal ulcer associated with H. pylori infection should be treated.
  • Treatment involves taking several medications for 7 to 14 days.
  • This medication decreases the stomach’s production of acid, which allows the tissues damaged by the infection to heal.
  • Two antibiotics are generally recommended; this reduces the risk of treatment failure and antibiotic resistance.
  • Retreatment usually requires that the patient take 14 days of a proton pump inhibitor and two antibiotics.
  • A regimen of
  • Omeprazole,
  • Clarithromycin,
  • and Amoxycillin / Metronidazole / Tetracycline
  • is used for the treatment of GERD (gastro esophageal reflux dis ease) and peptic ulcer.


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