The Brand Name METADURE Has Generic Salt :: METOLAZONE 

METADURE  Is From Company Micro Labs Priced :: Rs. 50

METADURE have METOLAZONE is comes under Sub class Diuretics of  Main Class Genito Urinary System

Main Medicine Class:: Genito Urinary System  Sub Medicine Class :: Diuretics 

 Salt Name :  OR Generic Name Form Price : MRP /Probable Packing
Brand Name Company / Manufacturers Strength Unit Price / 10
 METADURE  Micro Labs  2.5MG  10 Rs. 50

Company  Brand Name  Salt Combination Main Medical Class Sub Medical Class
 From Micro Labs :: METADURE  METOLAZONE  Genito Urinary System Diuretics

Indications for Drugs ::

Oedema, Hypertension

Drug Dose ::

Oral Hypertension Adult: Initially, 1.25 mg daily, adjusted after 3-4 wk according to response. Usual dose: 2.5-5 mg daily, either alone or with other antihypertensives. Maintenance dose: 5 mg on alternate days. Formulations with enhanced bioavailability: 0.5-1 mg daily. Elderly: Initially, 2.5 mg/day or every other day. Oedema Adult: 5-10 mg daily, increased if necessary to 20 mg daily. Max: 80 mg in 24 hr. Elderly: Initially, 2.5 mg/day or every other day.

Contraindication ::

Anuria; hepatic coma or pre-coma. Pregnancy.

Drug Precautions ::

Pre-diabetes or DM; gout; SLE; hepatic and renal impairment; hypercholesterolaemia. Correct electrolyte disturbances prior to therapy. Risk of cross-sensitivity with sulfonamides, sulfonylureas, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, thiazides and loop diuretics. Lactation.

Drug Side Effects ::

Chest pain, palpitation, necrotising angiitis, orthostatic hypotension, syncope, venous thrombosis, vertigo, volume depletion; depression, dizziness, chills, drowsiness, fatigue, restlessness, headache, lightheadedness; petechiae, photosensitivity, hypersensitivity reactions; gout attacks, electrolyte disturbances; abdominal bloating, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, anorexia, constipation, epigastric distress, nausea, xerostomia, pancreatitis, vomiting; impotence; aplastic anaemia, thrombocytopenia, haemoconcentration, leukopenia; cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis; joint pain, muscle cramps, weakness, neuropathy, paraesthesia; blurred vision; increased BUN, glucosuria. Potentially Fatal: Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis.

Pregnancy category ::
Pregnancy category


Drug Mode of Action ::  

Metolazone is a thiazide-like diuretic. It inhibits reabsorption of sodium in the distal tubules resulting in increased excretion of sodium and water, as well as potassium and hydrogen ions.

Drug Interactions ::

Hypotensive and nephrotoxic effects of ACE inhibitors may be enhanced. Absorption may be reduced with bile acid sequestrants. Hyperglycaemic effect may be enhanced with diazoxide. May increase serum concentration and QTc-prolonging effect of dofetilide. May reduce lithium excretion. Hypotensive effect may be increased with alcohol. Potentially Fatal: Increased risk of nephrotoxicity with ciclosporin. Severe electrolyte disturbances may occur with furosemide.


Disclaimer ::

The Information available on this site is for only Informational Purpose , before any use of this information please consult your Doctor .Price of the drugs indicated above may not match to real price due to many possible reasons may , including local taxes etc.. These are only approximate indicative prices of the drug.


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