Details Descriptions About :: autism

Autism causes symptoms treatment 

Description of Autism

DescriptionAccording to dictionary definition  Autism is a disease affecting the children resulting in impaired communication and social interaction. Patients affected with autism exhibit varied symptoms; therefore the medical professionals define autism as belonging to autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  

It is also evident from the studies regarding autism, that boys are the easy and more likely victims of this disease compared to girls. Autism is a type of developmental disability and is very complex in nature. This developmental disability persists lifelong and it makes its appearance in early childhood.Other common names are autistic disorder and pervasive developmental disorder.  Signs and SymptomsAccording to dictionary definition  Autism shows, not just a single symptom, but has many characteristic symptoms such as:1. Impaired communications2. Repetitive behavior3. Stunted social development is seen by the reduced interaction with social environment, lacking common behavior like smiling and looking others with eye contacts, lacking even basic skills.4. They tend to have less understanding of the social dealings and unable to contact others spontaneously, communicate nonverbally and show proper emotions.  CausesAccording to dictionary definition  1. Autism is suspected to be strongly associated with genetic factors.2. Other factors such as exposure to  pesticides, vaccines and heavy metals, and other environmental agents are also found to be associated with autism.  TreatmentAccording to dictionary definition  Since there is no treatment or the cure for the disease, the families of the patient and educational centers are the best resources of the treatment.If sustained special education programs are undertaken quite early, there are better results in developing the self-care and social skills for the child. Behavioral therpay is often required.  



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