Details About Generic Salt ::  Flavoxat

Main Medicine Class:: Urinary tract antispasmodic, Alkalinizer   

Tablets: 100 mg
Class: Urinary tract antispasmodic, Alkalinizer


Drugs Class ::

 Action Counteracts smooth muscle spasms of urinary tract.

Indications for Drugs ::

 Indications Symptomatic relief of dysuria, urgency, nocturia, suprapubic pain, frequency and incontinence associated with cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, urethrocystitis/urethrotrigonitis.

Drug Dose ::


ADULTS and CHILDREN (> 12 yr): PO 100 to 200 mg 3 to 4 times daily.

Contraindication ::

 Contraindications Pyloric or duodenal obstruction; obstructive intestinal lesions or ileus; achalasia; GI hemorrhage; obstructive uropathies of lower urinary tract.

Drug Precautions ::


Pregnancy: Category B. Lactation: Undetermined. Children: Safety and efficacy in children < 12 yr not established. Glaucoma: Give cautiously to patients with suspected glaucoma.


Drug Side Effects ::

 Adverse Reactions

CARDIOVASCULAR: Tachycardia; palpitations. CNS: Nervousness; headache; drowsiness; mental confusion. DERMATOLOGIC: Urticaria and other dermatoses. EENT: Vertigo; blurred vision, ocular tension; disturbances in accommodation. GI: Nausea; vomiting; dry mouth. GU: Dysuria. HEMATOLOGIC: Eosinophilia; leukopenia. OTHER: High fever.

Drug Mode of Action ::  

 Action Counteracts smooth muscle spasms of urinary tract.

Drug Interactions ::

 Interactions None well documented.

Drug Assesment ::


  • Obtain patient history, including drug history and any known allergies.
  • Assess baseline mental status and monitor during therapy.
  • Carefully monitor patients with glaucoma.
  • Report to health care provider any problems such as visual disturbances, nausea or vomiting, dysuria, high fever, tachycardia, palpitations, or mental status changes.

Drug Storage/Management ::


  • Administer drug orally only.

Drug Notes ::

 Patient/Family Education

  • Caution patient against performing potentially hazardous activities until effects of product are well-tolerated.
  • Instruct patient to take sips of water frequently, suck on ice chips or sugarless hard candy, or chew sugarless gum if dry mouth occurs.
  • Advise patient to report these symptoms to health care provider: persistent or worsening dry mouth, hives, rash, nausea or vomiting, unusual nervousness, vertigo, headache, drowsiness, confusion, high fever, dysuria, tachycardia, palpitations, vision problems.


Disclaimer ::

The Information available on this site is for only Informational Purpose , before any use of this information please consult your Doctor .Price of the drugs indicated above may not match to real price due to many possible reasons may , including local taxes etc.. These are only approximate indicative prices of the drug.


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