Details About Generic Salt ::  Cotrimoxazole 

Main Medicine Class:: #N/A   Sub Medicine Class ::  #N/A

PK: A: Oral:90-100% M: Hepatic E: Urine

Indications & Dose: CHRONIC BRONCHITIS PO Adult 1 tablet q12h 10-14days (1 tablet contains sulfamethoxazole 800mg & TMP 160mg) | INFECT IV Adult Inf: sulfamethoxazole 800mg & TMP 160mg q12h, increased to sulfamethoxazole 1.2g + TMP 240 mg q12h in more severe infect Child Inf: sulfamethoxazole 30mg/kg/day + TMP 6mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses | PNEUMOCYSTIS PNEUMONIA PO Adult 1tablet q12h 5days (1 tablet contains sulfamethoxazole 800mg & TMP 160mg) | PO Adult 120mg/kg/day in 2-4 divided doses 14-21 days Child >28 days: Same as adult dose | PNEUMOCYSTIS PNEUMONIA IN HIV PATIENTS PO Adult 960mg BID | SERIOUS INFECT PO Adult 1-2 tablet q12-24h (1 tablet contains sulfamethoxazole 800mg & TMP 160mg) | SHIGELLOSIS PO Adult 1 tablet q12h 5 days (1 tablet contains sulfamethoxazole 800mg & TMP 160mg) | URINARY TRACT INFECT PO Adult 1 tablet BID: Uncomplicated 3-5 days, complicated 7-10 days, pyelonephritis 14 days, acute prostatitis 2 wk, chronic prostatitis 2-3 months (1 tablet contains sulfamethoxazole 800mg & TMP 160mg)

Contra: Hypersensitivity, megaloblastic anemia, severe renal disease, sulfonamide allergy, porphyria

Precautions: blood dyscrasias, hypoglycemia, asthma, thyroid dysfunction, hepatic/renal impairment, AIDS patients, G6PD deficiency, elderly, potential folate deficiency, slow acetylators, urinary obstruction

ADR: Serious: allergic myocarditis, kernicterus, crystalluria, nephrotoxicity, BUN increased, pancreatitis, angioedema, interstitial nephritis, pulmonary infiltrates, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, hemolytic anemia, megaloblastic anemia, thrombocytopenia, hypoprothrombinemia, eosinophilia, leukopenia, methemoglobinemia, tinnitus, arthralgia, myalgia, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, hepatotoxic reactions, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia, hemolysis, Others: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, urticaria, meningitis, hallucinations, headache, insomnia, abdominal pain, stomatitis

DDI: Serious Hormonal Contraceptives decreases contraceptives efficacy, Coumarins/Amantadine increases PT, Azathioprine increases risk of hematological toxicity, Amiodarone increases risk of QT prolongation & ventricular arrhythmias, Fluconazole inhibits drug metabolism, Antidiabetics leads to acute hypoglycemia, Phenytoin level increases, Zidovudine/Lamivudine levels raises, TCAs levels reduces, Triamterene/Amiloride results in hyponatremia, ACEIs results in serious hyperkalemia, Lithium toxicity raises

Diet: With/without food with sufficient water

Monitor: CBC, LFT, renal function test


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