HYPOTHYROIDISM Causes Diagnosis and Treatment

What is HYPOTHYROIDISM ? Hypothyroidism is a state of deficient function of the thyroid gland i.e. deficient secretion of thyroid hor­mones. In hypothyroidism normal thyroid hormone levels are maintained by a rise in TSH. This is called subclinical hypothyroidism....

Myxedema coma Diagnosis and Treatment

Myxedema coma  This is a state of hypothyroidism with altered con­sciousness or coma, sometimes seizures. There may be hypothermia. It is common in the elderly, and precipitated by seda-‘ tives, antidepressants, pneumonia, CHF, MI, cere­brovascular accidents....

Hyperthyroidism or THYROTOXICOSIS Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis

Thyrotoxicosis is a state of thyroid hormone excess. Hyperthyroidism is excessive thyroid function. Hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis defines a spectrum of clinical findings consistent with thyroid hormone excess. Causes of Thyrotoxicosis Primary hyperthyroidism ·...

Anterior Pituitary Hormones and Disorders

Disorders of Anterior PituitaryHormones The anterior pituitary is called the master gland be­ , it regulates the function of most other endocrine organs. The anterior pituitary gla’nd produces 6 major hor­mones. 1, Prolactin (PRL) 2. Growth hormone (GH) 3....

Hypopituitarism Diagnosis and Treatment

PRESENTATIONS OF HYPOPITUITARISM This depends on the hormones which are deficient. GH deficiency causes growth disorder and abnor­mal body structure. Gonadotrophin deficiency causes infertility, men­strual and sexual dysfunction and loss of secondary sexual...


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