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Details Descriptions About :: jaundice
Jaundice causes symptoms treatment
Description of Jaundice
Description of JaundiceAccording to dictionary definition Jaundice is a type of a fever that causes yellow discoloration in the whites of the eye, skin, and mucous membrane. It is caused due to increased level of bilirubin in the blood. Causes and Risk Factors of JaundiceAccording to dictionary definition Causes can be divided into prehepatic, hepatic, and post hepatic.1. Prehepatic jaundice is caused due to the destruction of the red blood cells that may be caused due to,a) Malariab) Sickle cell crisisc) Spherocytosisd) Autoimmune disorderse) Toxins and other drugs
2. Hepatic jaundice is caused due to impaired function of the liver due to,a) Hepatitisb) Cirrhosisc) Drugsd) Gilbert s syndromee) Cancer
3. Posthepatic jaundice hinders the normal drainage of the bile in the liver and is caused due to,a) Gallstonesb) Cancerc) Congenital malformationsd) Pancreatitise) Parasitesf) Pregnancyg) New born jaundice Signs and Symptoms of JaundiceAccording to dictionary definition Common symptoms of jaundice include:1. Yellow skin and the sclera of the eye turn yellow2. Yellow color inside the mouth3. Dark colored urine4. Clay colored stools5. Swelling of the legs and abdomen6. Seizures InvestigationsAccording to dictionary definition 1. Your doctor will take a detailed history of the patient s illness.2. Urine analysis3. Imaging tests such as ultrasound, computerized tomography scan (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).4. Biopsy of the liver Treatments of JaundiceAccording to dictionary definition 1. The treatment involves proper management at home with proper rest.2. Medical treatment with intravenous fluids, medications, antibiotics, or blood transfusions may be required.3. Phototherapy4. Blood transfusions to decrease the elevated bilirubin levels