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Details Descriptions About :: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis als
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (als) causes symptoms treatment
Description of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
According to dictionary definition DefinitionAccording to dictionary definition Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a nervous system disease that attacks nerve cells called neurons in your brain and spinal cord. These neurons transmit messages from your brain and spinal cord to your muscles. Signs and SymptomsAccording to dictionary definition Early stage symptoms include:1. Mild muscle problems (weakness, tightness, or twitch)2. Trouble walking or running3. Trouble writing4. Speech problems
Late symptoms may include:1. Loss of strength2. Inability to move3. Inability to breathe Causes and Risk FactorsAccording to dictionary definition The cause of ALS is not known. However, it may be genetic. Other risk factors include:1. Age between 40 and 602. More common in men than women
A thorough medical and family history and physical examination will be done by your treating doctor. If ALS is suspected, an electromyogram, or EMG will be performed. Additional tests may include: 1. MRI of the spinal cord and brain. 2. Spinal Cord fluid analysis 3. Blood tests to exclude disorders that mimic ALS. 4. Muscle biopsy5. Genetic tests
6. Nerve conduction studies
There is no cure for ALS but medication and supportive therapy may help prolong survival and improve symptoms.
According to dictionary definition NIH: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke