Details Descriptions About :: diarrhoea associated with antibiotics

Diarrhoea associated with antibiotics causes symptoms treatment 

Description of Diarrhoea associated with antibiotics

Definition of Diarrhoea Associated With AntibioticsAccording to dictionary definition  Diarrhea is a symptom of the bowel movement. Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a bacterium that causes diarrhea and more serious intestinal conditions such as colitis.  Signs and Symptoms of Diarrhoea Associated With AntibioticsAccording to dictionary definition  Common symptoms include:1. Watery diarrhea (at least three bowel movements per day for 2 or more days)2. Fever3. Loss of appetite4. Nausea5. Abdominal pain or tenderness  Causes and Risk Factors of Diarrhoea Associated With AntibioticsAccording to dictionary definition  Common causes are:1. Illness that requires prolonged use of antibiotics2. Infection from hospitals  Treatments of Diarrhoea Associated With AntibioticsAccording to dictionary definition  Treatment is with antibiotics.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



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