Details About Generic Salt ::  Aciclovir 

Main Medicine Class:: #N/A   Sub Medicine Class ::  #N/A

also comes under 13M. Anti-Virals (Non Retroviral) in 13. Anti-Infectives,  3C. Anti-Infectives in 3. Ocular
PK: A: Poor D: Vd: 0.8 L/kg (63.6 L) E: Urine

Indications & Dose: CHICKENPOX PO Adult 800mg/dose QID 7-10 days or until no new lesions for 48h Child >2 yr & <40 kg: 20mg/kg/dose (up to 800mg/dose) QID 7-10 days or until no new lesions for 48h, >40 kg: 800mg/dose QID 7-10 days or until no new lesions for 48h | IV Adult 10-15mg/kg/dose q8h 7-10 days Child <1 yr: 10mg/kg/dose q8h 7-10 days or until no new lesions for 48h, >1 yr: 10mg/kg/dose or 500mg/m2/dose q8h 7-10 days or until no new lesions for 48hfor immunocompromised patients | GENITAL HSV INFECT IV Adult Initially 5mg/kg TID 5-7 days or 5-10mg/kg TID 2-7 days, continue oral therapy 10 days Child >12 yr: Same as adult dose | HERPES SIMPLEX Prophylactic therapy PO Adult 200-400mg QID Child 3 month-12 yr: 10mg/kg 1 wkfor immunocompromised patients | Prophylactic therapy IV Child 3 months-12 yrs: Inf over 1h: 10mg/kg 1 wkfor immunocompromised patients | HERPES SIMPLEX INFECTIONS OF SKIN TP Adult Ointment/cream containing (5%): Apply 5-6 times/day 5-10 daysIncluding genital herpes & herpes labialis | HERPES SIMPLEX KERATITIS TP Adult 3% eye ointment 5 times/day until 3 days after healing | HERPES ZOSTER PO Adult 800mg q4h 7-10 days (immunocompetent) | IV Adult 10mg/kg/dose or 500mg/m2/dose q8h 7 days (immunocompromised) Child <12 yr: 20mg/kg q8h 7 days, >12 yr: Same as adult dose (immunocompromised) | HSV ENCEPHALITIS IV Adult 10mg/kg q8h 10 days Child 3 month-12 yr: 20mg/kg TID 10 days, >12 yr: 10mg/kg q8h 10 days | MUCOCUTANEOUS HSV IV Adult 5mg/kg TID 7 days Child <12 yr: 10mg/kg q8h 7 days, >12 yr: 5mg/kg TID 7 daysfor immunocompromised patients | NEONATAL HSV IV Child Birth to 3 month: 10mg/kg TID 10 days, 20mg/kg TID for 14 (skin & mucous membrane disease) to 21 days (CNS disease) | PRIMARY HERPES SIMPLEX INFECTIONS PO Adult 200mg 5 times/day 5-10 days, Severe immunocompromised/impaired absorption: 400mg 5 times/day 5 days | SUPPRESSION OF RECURRENT HERPES SIMPLEX PO Adult 800mg/day 2-4 divided doses, interrupt therapy q6-12 months to reassess the condition

Contra: Hypersensitivity

Precautions: immunocompromised patients, TTP/HUS, elderly, renal impairment, neurologic abnormalities, serious hepatic/electrolyte abnormalities, substantial hypoxia

ADR: Serious: phlebitis, renal impairment, hematuria, anaphylaxis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, coma, seizure, Increased LFTs, ARF, Others: ataxia, stinging, burning, itching, malaise, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash

DDI: Serious Cimetidine increases bioavailability of drug, Ceftriaxone increases renal toxicity of drug, Phenytoin/Ciclosporin/Valproic acid leads to nephrotoxicity, Theophylline/Aminophylline levels are increased, Cytarabine reduces bioavailability of drug, Probenecid reduces renal excretion of drug & increases their level, Lithium toxicity raises

Diet: With/without food

Monitor: Urine analysis, BUN, SeCr, LFTs, CBC


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