Details About Generic Salt ::  Amoxicillin 

Main Medicine Class:: #N/A   Sub Medicine Class ::  #N/A

PK: A: Oral: Rapid;ER-Slow D: Extensive M: Hepatic E: Urine (60%)

Indications & Dose: ACUTE OTITIS MEDIA Uncomplicated PO Child >3 months & <40 kg: 80-90mg/kg/day divided q12h | ANTHRAX Postexposure prophylaxis PO Adult 500mg TID Child 80mg/kg/day, max 1.5mg/day in 3 divided doses at 8h intervals continue until exposure to B. anthracis has been excluded | BACTERIAL ENDOCARDITIS Prophylactic therapy PO Adult 2g single dose 1h before procedure Child 50mg/kg single dose 1h before procedureDental/other procedures | CHLAMYDIAL UROGENITAL INFECT PO General 500mg TID 7-10 days | COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA PO Child 4 months-5 yr: 80-100mg divided q8h, 5-15 yr: 100mg divided q8h | DENTAL ABSCESS Short-term therapy PO Adult 3g TID | EAR, NOSE, THROAT & GENITOURINARY TRACT INFECTIONS Severe PO Adult 875mg q12h/500mg q8h Child 45mg/kg/day in divided doses q12h or 40mg/kg/day in divided doses q8h | Mild-to-moderate PO Adult 500mg q12h/250mg q8h Child 25mg/kg/day in divided doses q12h or 20mg/kg/day in divided doses q8h | GONORRHEA Acute/Uncomplicated PO Adult 3g single dose Child >40 kg: 3g single dose, >2 yr (<40 kg): 50mg/kg, max 3g given with probenecid 25-mg/kg max 1g | H.PYLORI INFECT Combination therapy PO Adult 1g BID 2 wk with clarithromycin (500mg BID)& lansoprazole (30mg BID) | LISTERIAL MENINGITIS IV Child <7 days: 50mg/kg q12h, 7–28 days: 50mg/kg q8h, 1 month–18 yr: 50mg/kg q4–6h, max 2g q4hGiven as IV infusion in combination with other antibacterial | LYME DISEASE PO Adult 500mg q6-8h 21-30 days Child 25-50mg/kg/day in divided doses q8h | NON-GONOCOCCAL URETHRITIS PO General 500mg TID 7-10 days | PNEUMONIA PO Adult 0.5–1g TID | RECURRENT PURULENT RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECT Severe PO Adult 3g q12h | SKIN/SKIN STRUCTURE INFECT Severe PO Adult 875mg q12h/500mg q8h Child 45mg/kg/day in divided doses q12h or 40mg/kg/day in divided doses q8h | Mild-to-moderate PO Adult 500mg q12h/250mg q8h Child 25mg/kg/day in divided doses q12h or 20mg/kg/day in divided doses q8h | URINARY TRACT INFECT PO Adult 3g single dose

Contra: Hypersensitivity

Precautions: Renal insufficiency, infectious mononucleosis, hepatic dysfunction, history of allergy, cytomegalovirus infect, lymphocytic leukemia

ADR: Serious: erythema multiforme, SJS, TEN, exfoliative dermatitis, colitis, nausea, blood disorders, crystalluria, anaphylaxis, hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, seizure, urticaria, Others: diarrhea, agitation, anxiety, behavioral changes, dizziness, headache, insomnia

DDI: Serious Allopurinol increases incidence of skin rashes, Methotrexate increases its effects & toxicity

Diet: With/without food

Monitor: Signs & symptoms of hypersensitivity reaction, superinfection, temperature


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