Details Descriptions About :: restless leg syndrome

Restless leg syndrome causes symptoms treatment 

Description of Restless leg syndrome

DescriptionAccording to dictionary definition  Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurogenic disorder in which a person gets irresistible desire or urge to move legs for ending unpleasant sensations. These unpleasant sensations can be described by patient as creeping, pulling, itching, pricking, etc. It is also known as Willis-Ekbom disease (WED) or nocturnal myoclonus and affects about 2% to 3% of adults and occurs more often at night.  Causes and Risk FactorsAccording to dictionary definition  The exact cause of RLS has not yet been identified but some of these are:1. Genetic make-up2. Some women develop RLS during pregnancy especially during last trimester, but symptoms often disappear after child birth.3. Anemia and iron deficiency4. Patients with kidney failure5. Diabetes6. Parkinson €™s disease7. Peripheral neuropathy8. Attention deficit disorder (ADD)9. Certain medications including antinausea drugs, antidepressants, antipsychotic drugs, antihistaminics, etc.10. Alcoholism  Signs and SymptomsAccording to dictionary definition  Symptoms include:1. Irresistible desire or urge to move legs for ending unpleasant sensations2. Unpleasant sensations in legs include creeping, pulling, itching, pricking by pins, etc.3. Sensations are better temporarily with movement of legs4. Sensations worse at rest especially while lying down or sitting or when in stress  TreatmentAccording to dictionary definition  The aim of treatment is relieving the symptoms and improving sleep. The associated medical conditions are treated as per the physician €™s advice.1. Medications include dopaminergic drugs, anticonvulsant drugs, and benzodiazepines2. Supplementary medicines containing iron, vitamin B12, or folate in case of respective deficiency  PreventionAccording to dictionary definition  1. Try leg massages, it may help relieve rest leg syndrome2. Hot baths or heating pads or ice packs3. Good sleep habits4. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco5. Exercise regularly6. Eat healthy and balanced diets7. Avoid foods that worsen RLS8. Try relaxation techniques such as yoga



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