Article Contents ::
- 1 The Brand Name ABWAL Has Generic Salt :: Albendazole
- 2 ABWAL Is From Company Wallace Priced :: Rs. 14
- 3 ABWAL have Albendazole is comes under Sub class Anthelmintics of Main Class Anti Infectives
- 4 Main Medicine Class:: Anti Infectives Sub Medicine Class :: Anthelmintics
- 5 Disclaimer ::
- 6 The Information available on this site is for only Informational Purpose , before any use of this information please consult your Doctor .Price of the drugs indicated above may not match to real price due to many possible reasons may , including local taxes etc.. These are only approximate indicative prices of the drug.
The Brand Name ABWAL Has Generic Salt :: Albendazole
ABWAL Is From Company Wallace Priced :: Rs. 14
ABWAL have Albendazole is comes under Sub class Anthelmintics of Main Class Anti Infectives
Main Medicine Class:: Anti Infectives Sub Medicine Class :: Anthelmintics
Salt Name : OR Generic Name | Form | Price : MRP /Probable | Packing | ||
Albendazole | TAB | Rs. 14 | 1 |
Brand Name | Company / Manufacturers | Strength | Unit | Price / 1 |
ABWAL | Wallace | 400MG | 1 | Rs. 14 |
Company Brand Name | Salt Combination | Main Medical Class | Sub Medical Class |
From Wallace :: ABWAL | Albendazole | Anti Infectives | Anthelmintics |
Indications for Drugs ::
Helminthiasis, Echinococcosis, Neurocysticercosis, Enterobiasis, Ascariasis, Hookworm infections, Strongyloidiasis, Giardiasis, Filariasis
Drug Dose ::
Adult: PO Echinococcosis >60 kg: 400 mg twice daily; <60 kg: 15 mg/kg/day (max: 800 mg/day) in 2 divided doses. Duration: 28 days/cycle. Cystic echinococcosis: Up to 3 cycles w/ 14 treatment-free days in between cycles. Alveolar echinococcosis: Treatment cycles may need to be continued for mths or yrs w/ 14 treatment -free days in between cycles. Neurocysticerosis >60 kg: 400 mg twice daily; <60 kg: 15 mg/kg/day (max: 800 mg/day) in 2 divided doses. Duration: 8-30 days. Intestinal nematode infections 400 mg as a single dose. Strongyloidiasis 400 mg 1-2 times/day for 3 consecutive days, may repeat after 3 wk if needed. Giardiasis 400 mg/day for 5 days. Ascariasis; Enterobiasis; Hookworm infections 400 mg as a single dose. Child: >2 yr: 400 mg as a single dose; 1-2 yr: 200 mg as a single dose.
Contraindication ::
Pregnancy and lactation. Neonates. Hypersensitivity, liver impairment.
Drug Precautions ::
Monitor blood counts and liver function. Administer within 7 days of start of normal menstruation in women of childbearing age. Adequate nonhormonal contraceptive measures must be taken during and for 1 mth after therapy. Perform liver function tests and blood counts before and every 2 wk during high dose therapy of hydatid disease.
Drug Side Effects ::
GI discomfort, headache, nausea, dizziness, allergic reactions, pruritus, raised liver enzymes, alopecia and dry mouth. Potentially Fatal: Bone marrow depression.
Pregnancy category ::
Drug Mode of Action ::
Albendazole sulfoxide (active metabolite), causes selective degeneration of cytoplasmic microtubules in intestinal and tegmental cells of intestinal helminths and larvae; glycogen is depleted, glucose uptake and cholinesterase secretion are impaired and desecratory substances accumulate intracellulary. ATP production decreases, causing energy depletion, immobilisation and worm death.
Drug Interactions ::
Increased serum concentrations w/ dexamethasone, praziquantel and cimetidine. Decreased serum concentrations w/ aminoquinoline (antimalarials), carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and phenytoin.