Details Descriptions About :: botulism

Botulism causes symptoms treatment 

Description of Botulism

DescriptionAccording to dictionary definition  Botulism is a rare but serious illness. The cause of botulism is a toxin (poison) made by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. It occurs naturally in soil.
Three main botulism types are:1. Foodborne botulism: From eating foods contaminated with the toxin.  2. Wound botulism: From a wound infected with the bacteria. It is more common in heroin users.3. Infant botulism: When a baby consumes the spores of the bacteria from soil or honey. All forms can be deadly and are medical emergencies.  Signs and Symptoms  According to dictionary definition  Common symptoms include:1. Double or blurred vision2. Drooping eyelids3. Slurred speech4. Difficulty swallowing5. Dry mouth6. Muscle weakness  TreatmentAccording to dictionary definition  Treatment may include:1. Antitoxins2. Intensive medical care3. Surgery of infected wounds  PreventionAccording to dictionary definition  Common ways to prevent botulism are:1. Be very careful when canning foods at home2. Do not let babies eat honey until he/she is 1 year old3. Get prompt medical care for infected wounds  Centers for Disease Control and PreventionAccording to dictionary definition  



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