Details About Generic Salt ::  Papaveri

Main Medicine Class:: Peripheral vasodilator   

(pap-PAV-uhr-een HIGH-droe-KLOR-ide)
Pavabid Plateau Caps, Pavagen TD
Class: Peripheral vasodilator


Drugs Class ::

 Action Directly relaxes tone of all smooth muscle, especially when spasmodically contracted. Causes vasodilatation of blood vessels of the coronary, cerebral, pulmonary and peripheral arteries; relaxes musculature of bronchi, GI tract, ureters and biliary system.

Indications for Drugs ::


Oral form: Relief of cerebral and peripheral ischemia associated with arterial spasm and myocardial ischemia complicated by arrhythmias. Parenteral form: Vascular spasm associated with acute MI (coronary occlusion), angina pectoris, peripheral and pulmonary embolism, peripheral vascular disease in which there is a vasospastic element, certain cerebral angiospastic states, visceral spasm (eg, ureteral, biliary, and GI colic). Unlabeled use(s): Intracavernous injection for impotence.

Drug Dose ::



ADULTS: PO 100 to 300 mg 3 to 5 times daily (immediate-release tablets) or 150 mg q 8 to 12 hr or 300 mg q 12 hr (sustained-release capsules).

Vascular Occlusion

ADULTS: IV/IM Initial dose: 30 mg. Repeat doses: 30 to 120 mg q 3 hr prn.


ADULTS: IV 2.5 to 60 mg as intracavernous injection (usually combined with phentolamine mesylate).

Contraindication ::

 Contraindications Complete atrioventricular (AV) heart block; intracorporeal injection for impotence.

Drug Precautions ::


Pregnancy: Category C. Lactation: Unknown. Children: Safety and efficacy not established. Glaucoma: Use drug with caution. Hepatic hypersensitivity: Has been reported.


Drug Side Effects ::

 Adverse Reactions

CV: Increase in heart rate; slight increase in BP. CNS: Depression; dizziness; vertigo; headache; drowsiness; sedation; lassitude; malaise; lethargy. DERM: Flushing of face; sweating; pruritus. GI: Constipation; nausea; diarrhea; abdominal distress; dry mouth; anorexia. HEPA: Jaundice; hepatitis. HEMA: Eosinophilia. RESP: Increased depth of respiration.

Drug Mode of Action ::  

 Action Directly relaxes tone of all smooth muscle, especially when spasmodically contracted. Causes vasodilatation of blood vessels of the coronary, cerebral, pulmonary and peripheral arteries; relaxes musculature of bronchi, GI tract, ureters and biliary system.

Drug Interactions ::


CNS depressants: Effects may be additive. Levodopa: May reduce effectiveness of levodopa. INCOMPATIBILITIES: Lactated Ringer’s solution incompatible with parenteral formulation; do not mix.

Drug Assesment ::


  • Obtain patient history, including drug history and any known allergies.
  • Assess mental status before and during therapy (eg, lassitude, sedation, malaise, headache, depression).
  • Assess bowel status and bowel sounds before administering drug and periodically during treatment.
  • Monitor patient’s BP, both lying and standing.
  • Monitor liver function tests.
  • Monitor ECG. If cardiac changes occur on ECG, notify physician immediately.
  • If AV block, flushing, headache, jaundice, abdominal distress, constipation, or diarrhea develop, notify physician.
  Drowsiness, weakness, diplopia, lassitude, depression, nystagmus, incoordination, coma, cyanosis, respiratory depression, anxiety, ataxia, headache, pruritic skin rashes, nausea, CNS depression, blurred vision, GI upset, vomiting, diaphoresis, sinus tachycardia, metabolic acidosis, hyperventilation, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia

Drug Storage/Management ::


  • Give at evenly spaced intervals throughout day.
  • Do not crush or allow patient to chew sustained-release capsules.
  • Do not administer in Lactated Ringer’s solution because precipitate will develop.
  • Administer parenteral form slowly over 1 to 2 min to minimize adverse effects.
  • Store at room temperature.

Drug Notes ::

 Patient/Family Education

  • Instruct patient to take medication at evenly-spaced intervals throughout day.
  • Advise patient with glaucoma to undergo regular eye examinations.
  • Instruct patient to report the following symptoms to physician: Flushing, sweating, headache, tiredness, jaundice, skin rash, nausea, anorexia, abdominal distress, constipation, or diarrhea.
  • Advise patient to avoid smoking and intake of alcoholic beverages or other CNS depressants.
  • Caution patient to avoid sudden position changes to prevent orthostatic hypotension.
  • Advise patient that drug may cause dizziness, vertigo, and drowsiness, and to use caution while driving or performing other tasks requiring mental alertness.

Disclaimer ::

The Information available on this site is for only Informational Purpose , before any use of this information please consult your Doctor .Price of the drugs indicated above may not match to real price due to many possible reasons may , including local taxes etc.. These are only approximate indicative prices of the drug.


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