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Stammering causes symptoms treatment 

Description of Stammering

Definition of StammeringAccording to dictionary definition  Stuttering or stammering is a problem that affects the flow of your speech. The reason for the problem is not fully known, however, researchers believe that it may be genetic.  Signs and Symptoms of StammeringAccording to dictionary definition  Common symptoms are:1. Make certain words sound longer than they should be2. Find hard to start a new word3. Repeat words or parts of words4. Get tense when you try to speak5. May blink your eyes rapidly6. Lips and jaws may tremble as you struggle to get the words out  Causes and Risk Factors of StammeringAccording to dictionary definition  Stuttering can affect anyone. Most children stop stuttering as they grow older. Less than 1% of adults stutter. It is most common in:1. Young children who are still learning to speak2. Boys are three times more likely to stutter than girls.  Treatments of StammeringAccording to dictionary definition  The disease may not be fully cured. However, a few therapies can help, these include:1. Stuttering therapy (starting early for young children can keep it from becoming a lifelong problem)2. Self-help groups  NIH: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders



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