Details About Generic Salt ::  Streptokinase 

Main Medicine Class:: Hematological System   Sub Medicine Class ::  Thrombolytics


Indications & Dose: ARTERIOVENOUS OCCLUSIONS IV Adult Loading dose: 2, 50, 000U over 30min MD 1, 00, 000U/h 2-3 days, depending on the condition to be treated, for central retinal thrombosis 12h may be adequate. After 3-4h of cessation of therapy, administer heparin (IV inf) followed by PO anti-coagulation to prevent re-occlusion | MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION Acute IV Adult Inf: 1.5MU as single dose over 1h (preferably within 1h of infarction) | PULMONARY EMBOLISM IV Adult Loading dose: 2, 50, 000U over 30min MD 1, 00, 000U/h 2-3 days, depending on the condition to be treated, for central retinal thrombosis 12h may be adequate. After 3-4h of cessation of therapy, administer heparin (IV inf) followed by PO anti-coagulation to prevent re-occlusion

Contra: patients with active internal bleeding/recent history of PUD, esophageal varices, UC, bleeding GI lesions, pancreatitis, subacute bacterial endocarditis, patients with coagulation defects due to liver/kidney disease, childbirth, trauma, recent surgery, patients at increased risk of cerebral bleeding, severe HTN, hemorrhage, recent stroke, cerebral neoplasm, heavy vaginal bleeding, invasive procedures, IM Inj during & amp; immediately before and after streptokinase therapy, should not be given in the period between 5 days & 12 months after the initial dose

Precautions: patients at increased risk of bleeding, hemorrhage, elderly, mitral stenosis associated with atrial fibrillation

ADR: Serious: hemorrhage, severe internal bleeding, anaphylactoid, serum-sickness-like symptoms, guillain-barre syndrome, hypotension, bradycardia, arrhythmias, emboli, pulmonary embolism, ARF due to cholesterol embolization, Others: rashes, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, back/abdominal pain


Monitor: vital signs & neurologic status, PTT, PT, plasma thrombintime, Hb, hematocrit & platelet count


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