Gatatva or Ashrita

Gatatva Gatatva means Ashrita, and in case of Vata it is related to the vitiated Vata, which has name in fusion with particular Dhatu. Due to etiological factors responsible in the vitiation of Dosa shall ought to be utilized in the vitiation of Dusya and thus the...

Ojas -Para Oja and Apara Oja

Ojas : – It is called as “Sarva Dhatu Sara” (A.S.Su-19/28 with Indu, Su.Su-15/19 with Dalhana, A.H. Su-11/37 with Ad) and is of two types the Para Oja and Apara Oja Heart is the dwelling for Para Ojas. The vessels attached to the heart are the site of other type...

Sukra Kshaya

Sukra Kshaya : – Sukra is closely related with Rasa and Majja Dhatu as it gets nutrition from these DhatusSukrakshaya is characterized by Dourbalya (Weakness), Mukhasosa (dryness of mouth). Pandu (pallor), Sada (depression) Shrama (fatigue), Klaibya (impotency)...


Rasakshaya :- Provides the nutrition to all the organs of the body. Rasakshaya either due to its etiological factor or due to old age it self is characterized by Kampa, Hritapida and Shunyata (A.S.Su-19/6). Old age is the common age of occurrence of Kampavata and...

Snayu Dusti

Snayu Dusti :- Kasayapa has mentioned that Snayu Pratana are originated from the Mastulunga Mula (Kasayapa. Sha) Trauma to Snayu can also lead to the poverty of movements (Su.Su–25/37, M. Ni.– 43/21), pathological state of Snayu is Snayugata vata which is manifested...


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